Saturday, December 26, 2009

Power Songs... and Sneezing...

Do you have songs that make you feel powerful? I do. Right now, my power song is Glosoli by Sigur Ros. Don't ask me why. My sisters call it my foreign crap music. (Abominable.) Me? I'm empowered. Don't know what the flapdoodle they're saying... but I feel empowered. And I think that Sigur Ros would be okay with that... maybe even a little more than okay. If I could, I would say to Sigur Ros, "Hello. This song of yours makes me feel powerful. Not Napoleon Bonaparte powerful, or Sith Lord powerful, but Mother Theresa powerful." And I imagine that would make them smile.

When I hear this song, I meditate. And I imagine who I want to be and what I want to do with myself. And the image that always comes to the forefront of my mind is never specifically conducive to answers I'm seeking in myself, but the answer is beautiful in its own, random way.

I imagine myself stepping out of a crowd, shrouded in a windswept sundress, barefoot, with a sunflower in my hair, and a yellow balloon in my hand. And I splatter the world with happiness. When I sneeze, my inner happiness splatters all over your face, like the tiny kisses of summer bubbles... and infects everyone in the grocery store, elementary school, and mall the next town over. And when I breathe out my carbon dioxide, the trees embrace me back with their oxygen like recycled hugs.

And then the song ends.

And I realize, I would never purposely sneeze in someone's face! Unless, of course, actual inner happiness really came out. Then, I would wake up the world that way! I would knock on your door, hand you your newspaper, and promptly say "Good morning!" by sneezing directly into your face. Because, that's what a good neighbor would do. And I want to be a good neighbor.

So, to whoever reads this, I hope you have a bold and beautiful day.... and I hope you find your power song.

Also... I hope you'll cover your mouth when you sneeze.

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