Monday, January 18, 2010

Kanga What?! Kanga Boot!

Now that we've established how hideous they are, can you now appreciate how hilarious and joyful they are?

The first time we met, I was at Ross's. And I think it was love at first sight. Because they made me laugh so hard that I literally was sitting on the floor of the department store, slapping the ground in uncontrollable melee. Carly dared me to try them on. And try them on I did. She tinkled as I hopped down the aisle in my too large kangas.

Half an hour later, as we both waddled to the restroom, we decided that I should buy them. Because anything that brings that much laughter into our lives should be made a permanent resident.

I have never regretted this decision. They have traversed with me through various adventures; I shall now disclose for your enjoyment one such occasion.

One day, I wore them to my AP Spanish class. My friend, Brenden-- quite an academic, I assure you-- bursted out in a fillibuster of exasperated humor, "Laur, I can't even concentrate with you wearing those shoes!" Mission accomplished, Brendy. Do your circumstances not seem all the brighter, young one? I patted him sympathetically on the back and then reached into the pouch attached around my ankle to pull out a miniature-sized snickers bar to placate him with. How do you conjugate: hilarity erupting in a classroom? No one knew, so we all just tried to roll our r's as we chortled in Spanish.

(Previously mentioned pouch in which said candy bar resided.)

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